Mouth Ulcers Peterborough
We're Open 7 Days A Week
If you live near Peterborough you should call the dentist at the Peterborough Dental Hub if you have a mouth ulcer that is painful or has not gone away after 14 days.
The vast majority of mouth ulcers are harmless and disappear on their own.
BUT some ulcers can be a sign of a metabolic deficiency, serious systemic illness or even mouth cancer.
So call The Peterborough Dental Hub Helpline today on 01733 214161 and we will arrange an urgent appointment.
We offer The Only same-day emergency Dental Service in Peterborough, and we are open 7 days a week.

Types of Ulcers
There are 4 main types.
We can help you with ulcers and sores.
If you live in the area and have a mouth sore that lasts more than a week or two; come and see us, or if your ulcer is sore and you can’t manage the discomfort.
Mouth sores can be an indicator of disease, and an early assessment is the best bet.
A better understanding of your mouth sores can lead quickly to comfort and a resolution. If necessary, treatment and pain relief can be offered.
Our dentists can usually of easy simple and affordable solutions to your problems.
Aphthous Sores
(AKA Canker sores)
These sores appear inside the mouth and on the inner parts of the lip. They’re characterized by a raw, red border surrounding a pale or white inner circle, and are usually tender to the touch.
While there’s no cure, most canker sores heal on their own within a few days of appearing.
Cold Sores
Another common source of mouth sores is the herpes simplex virus, which produces small fluid-filled blisters around the outside of the mouth.
These sores usually appear in groups and will crust over after bursting. There is no cure for cold sores (also called “fever blisters”), but your doctor may prescribe an antiviral to help speed up the healing process and prevent future outbreaks.
Oral Thrush Candidiasis, or “thrush,” is a fungus that affects the inside of the mouth.
It usually presents as a yellowish-white coating on the tongue and can interfere with your ability to taste.
A mild case of thrush can be cured by eating unsweetened yogurt or by taking acidophilus.
More advanced cases may require treatment with a topical or oral antifungal medication.

Why Are Mouth Ulcers Important?
Most ulcers are annoying and some are painful but most will not kill you.
However a small number can be very dangerous and indicate very serious underlying disease such as Oral Cancer and Dysplasia.
Precancerous lesions can appear on the tongue, cheek, or even the gums.
They’re especially common in people who smoke or chew tobacco.
If you notice a thick, painless white patch that doesn’t heal on its own, you should make an appointment with us as soon as possible.
When to seek treatment for mouth ulcers
If ulcers are interfering with your normal daily activities, or have persisted for 2 weeks, see your dentist or an oral medicine specialist.
In some cases, you may need blood tests if it’s suspected that you have an underlying deficiency (such as an iron, folate or vitamin B deficiency) or an inflammatory condition.
If we can’t determine the cause of your mouth ulcers, or if the ulcers don’t respond to the normal treatments, you may need to have a biopsy of part of the ulcer and some of the surrounding tissue.
A biopsy is a procedure where a tissue sample is taken for examination and diagnosis.
We believe that early detection and prevention is a vital part of long term dental health.
At our practices, we value the importance of understanding the oral health of our patients.
To provide premium dental care to our patients, we offer oral cancer screenings to detect signs of oral cancer or precancerous conditions inside a patient’s mouth.