Night Guard Peterborough
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Night Guard Peterborough
Do you wake up with a stiff, tired jaw? Are your teeth sensitive to cold drinks?
If you answered yes to either of these questions, you may be grinding or clenching your teeth during sleep.
Grinding of the teeth is a medical condition called bruxism.
Over time, bruxism will result in the wearing down of your natural tooth enamel.
In fact, studies suggest that those who grind and clench their teeth experience up to 80 times the normal wear per day compared with those who do not.
Reduce the risk of wear and tear of your existing healthy teeth by using a nightguard.
A clear, thin removable device, a nightguard is custom made to fit over your upper or lower teeth as you sleep.
In addition to relieving head, neck, jaw joint and shoulder pain, it will protect your existing teeth and your dental restorations.
It is highly recommended for those who have crowns, bridges, implants and dentures, to offset the effects of this often-subconscious habit that occurs during sleep.
Nightguards are custom made and are easy to insert and remove.
Causes Of Bruxism
Why bruxism occurs is not always clear
In the dental profession, the belief that bruxism and dental occlusion are causally related has been widespread.
However, there is little evidence to support this belief.
Recent research concluded that neither occlusal interference nor factors related to the oral facial skeleton have a role in the aetiology of bruxism.
Recent studies suggest that sleep bruxism is secondary to problems with sleep disorders
Stress, Anxiety & other Psychological Components
Mental disorders, anxiety, stress and adverse psychosocial factors are significantly related to tooth grinding during sleep and it has been found that nearly 70% of bruxism occurs as a result of stress or anxiety.
It is well documented that job-related stress is detrimental to good sleep and as a consequence can be responsible for daytime sleepiness.
But, it is also the most significant factor associated with bruxism.
One study found that shift workers who suffered stress due to dissatisfaction with their shift-work schedule were more susceptible to bruxism than those who were satisfied and not stressed.
Interestingly, the men in this study demonstrated high levels of job stress, depressive symptoms and bruxism whereas none of these symptoms was significant for the women.
These adverse symptoms were particularly evident in male workers who experienced low social support from supervisors or colleagues.
Many physical ailments have psychological components that may influence a person’s vulnerability to illness as well as their ability to recover.
Stress levels and personality characteristics are often considered as initiating, predisposing and perpetuating factors for several diseases.
The workplace offers a unique environment where stress and personality play a major role in performance.
Personality variables include the individual’s coping style both in perception and coping techniques.
Some people are less resilient to stress and therefore suffer more from the physical and psychological consequences.
Previous research findings point to the possibility of a link between bruxism and the work environment, especially the coping strategies for work-related stressful demands.
Some people, of course, maybe exposed to high levels of stress unrelated to their job, but still, affect bruxism.

In many cases they do but in some cases where they are not effective patients end up being referred to the local specialist Max-Fax consultant.
In our experience after 2 or 3 days the patients don’t realize they are wearing it. But some patients can’t tolerate them at all.
Our experience is that after a few days the patients feel a marked reduction in the discomfort that they experienced as a result of the grinding. They also enjoy more restful sleep and wake up with less jaw ache.
It depends and for some patients they need to wear the Night Guard every night for the rest of their lives.
But some patients will wear it less frequently and for a shorter duration and this may be just as effective.
Definitely, yes, because there are very often other causal problems that may be complicating the grinding.
That’s why it is essential that patients have a check-up from their GP.
The GP may then suggest a referral for further investigations related to sleep problems etc.
We take an impression of the upper teeth.
A few days later (the Night Guard can sometimes be done the same day) we give you the Bite Guard and explain how to wear it. The procedure of getting and wearing the Night Guard is actually very easy and painless.